Community Consultative Committee


The Community Consultative Committees (CCCs) form part of the Delburn Wind Farm’s broader community and stakeholder engagement which is intended to maintain clear and transparent communication about the wind farm with the local community.

Construction CCC

The Construction and Development CCC will be established in 2023 to facilitate two‐way communication between the community, stakeholder groups and the project team during the development and construction of the wind farm. 

Community Benefits CCC

We invite community members to join our Community Benefits CCC to determine how the neighbourhood profit share scheme and community development fund should be allocated.

This includes the $500,000 per annum directly for the neighbouring areas around the wind farm, and the $150,000 per annum for the community fund.

To register your interest, email [email protected]

Pre-Development CCC

In March 2021, a Community Consultative Committee (CCC) was established to facilitate information sharing between the community and the project team. Local community members, stakeholders and special interest groups were invited to participate. The CCC members discussed the planning, development and construction of the wind farm.  The meetings provided opportunities for members to ask questions and get answers and share their feedback. The project team were advised of community concerns and local issues, along with preferences on the project design and planning. As a result of listening to this feedback, the wind farm design was amended from 53 turbines to 33.



Sharing information, feedback and input on design


Sharing updates and feedback on construction activities


Helping to shape a fair community benefits allocation


Contact our team if you have any questions about the project.

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