Delburn Wind Farm Update

Terminal Station Amendment Approved

A request to amend the Delburn Wind Farm Terminal Station planning permit has been approved by the Minister for Planning. 

This decision paves the way for us to start construction of the wind farm after the third quarter of 2024. 

The approval of the Terminal Station planning permit amendment comes after an application to the Minister for Planning in July 2023 requesting the amendments. This follows the amendments to the Wind Energy Facility planning permits being approved in November 2023.

Members of the Planning Panel undertook a site visit on 6 March 2024 and a Panel Hearing was held on 14 March 2024 to listen to community submissions. Thanks to those members of the community who took the time to participate in the amendment process.

New Jumpers for Junior Football Players

We were delighted to assist the Mirboo North Junior Football Club with the purchase of 30 new jumpers for the under 10 year old team. The boys and girls were excited to put on their new jumpers and kick-off the new football season.  

Mirboo North Junior Football Club plays an important role in catering for over 100 kids playing team level and Auskick football each week. Over the last few years, the club has embraced new players from Boolarra and Thorpdale who needed the numbers to fill their teams. The club prides itself not only on sporting success but also in encouraging all members to contribute to the broader club and community. All the best to the club and players for a fun and successful season! 

Strzelecki Highway Road Works

Regional Roads Victoria have commenced survey works to construct an overtaking lane along Strzelecki Highway and upgrades to the intersection with Creamery Road. 

The Victorian Government allocated budget for the works several years ago to improve traffic flow and provide a safe overtaking opportunity. These upgrade works are not part of the Delburn Wind Farm construction. 

Further information: 

Your questions answered

The Delburn Wind Farm Community Consultative Comittee members have shared your questions with our project team.

Can wind turbines be recycled?

Wind turbines are currently 85 percent recyclable. The challenge is in recycling the wind turbine blades as the components contain composites of mainly epoxy resin and glass fibre. In February 2023, Vestas (a leading manufacturer supplying Australia) announced a new solution that renders epoxy-based turbine blades as circlular. Combining newly discovered technology, the solution can be applied to blades currently in operation. This will eliminate the need for landfill disposal of epoxy-based blades when they are decommissioned from use. Once this new technology is implemented at scale, blade material currently sitting in landfill, as well as blade material in active windfarms can be disassembled and re-used.

How will complaints be managed during construction?

Information on how to make a complaint or ask a question is currently available on our website and by calling 1800 676 428.

Prior to the start of construction, we will remind the community via e-News, social media channels, media releases and on the website of how to make a complaint. As part of the planning approval process, a Traffic Management Plan and Complaint Investigation and Response Plan must be endorsed by the responsible authority prior to construction commencing.

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

“Regional Roads Victoria are installing the overtaking lane along Strzelecki Highway and Creamery Road. These works are not part of the Delburn Wind Farm construction.

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

Terminal Station Amendment Approved A request to amend the Delburn Wind Farm Terminal Station planning permit has been approved by the Minister for Planning.  This

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