November Update from OSMI Australia

DWF Panel Hearing

The final day of the panel hearing was conducted on Friday 12th November with the last three public submissions and closing remarks from OSMI, SCA and the CFA. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to follow the hearing and to present to the panel.

The Panel now has 8 weeks to prepare a report for the Minister for Planning after which the Minister will consider the report and make a decision on whether to issue a permit or not.  The Panel report will be made available to all parties when the Minister’s decision is published.

Next week the Panel will be conducting an accompanied site tour around the proposed project area and visiting the OSMI office to view the virtual reality representations of the project.

Pre-Development Fund Closing Soon

Applications for the 2021 predevelopment fund close on November 30. The Community and Stakeholder Consultative Committee recommended that priority be given to projects that support recovery of community infrastructure damaged during the June storm event, however this does not preclude consideration of other applications.

Details of how to apply can be found at the top of our home page If you want to discuss a potential application to see if it may be eligible for funding, please reach out to us at [email protected] or phone 1800 OSMIAU (1800 676 428).

Staff News

It is with regret that we have said goodbye to Ruth Harper, our Manager Community and Environment, who leaves OSMI to take up a new and exciting role as Coordinator Environment at Latrobe City Council. We would like to thank Ruth for her contributions to OSMI over the last 2 ½ years and wish her all the best in her new role.

We are now looking for someone to fill Ruth’s shoes. The advertisement for our Community and Stakeholder Engagement Manager can be found on our website here and we welcome inquiries from people with a passion for renewable energy and community and stakeholder engagement from within in the local area.

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

Ten local groups will share in $15,000 of Pre-Development Grants to assist community-led projects. The funding is a welcome boost for local projects.

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