July 2023 Update

Progress Update

A lot of people have been asking when they’ll start to see the wind turbines go up, or when they will be able to apply for work on the construction of the wind farm. There’s a lot of work that still needs to be done before construction can kick off, which we are working towards in the first half of 2024.

To meet all the conditions of the planning permits, we have already completed additional background noise monitoring and we are preparing to conduct a TV and radio signal strength survey, developing our fire and emergency plans in consultation with emergency services and completing a plan to offer visual screening to residents in nearby dwellings. We also need to develop detailed traffic management plans to ensure the turbines can been delivered safely to the site, construction environmental management plans and flora and fauna management plans.

Towards the end of this year, a lead contractor will be appointed and they’ll oversee the procurement of suppliers and employment of individuals. The first 12 months of construction will mostly involve civil works, including the construction of roads, hardstands and foundations and the laying of underground cables, before the first wind turbine components start to be delivered. Thank you to all the local suppliers and individuals who have expressed an interest in working with us. We’ll provide progress updates and keep you informed about tender and employment opportunities as they arise.

Consultative Committee

Now that we’re working through the detailed planning ahead of starting to build the wind farm, we want to re-establish our Consultative Committee. This is a great way to hear first-hand what’s going on, share your ideas and give us your feedback about how we’re going! Local community members aged 16 and above are welcome to join and will need to be willing to talk to the community about the wind farm and bring a broad range of views to our attention, so we can hear from as many people as possible. Meetings will be held in our Mirboo North office and will kick off at the end of August. We are willing to reimburse reasonable expenses to ensure people who want to attend are able to do so.

The first role of the new Committee will be to review and update the Terms of Reference for the previous Consultative Committee. If you have any questions or want to express an interest in joining, please call 1800 676 428 or email [email protected] If you know someone who you think could make a valuable contribution, please consider suggesting they send through an expression of interest.

Our new digs

We are now settled in our new office at 66 Ridgway, Mirboo North – the former RACV Solar site. Most of the time we are in the office from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, however we can be in meetings or out on site. We understand your time is valuable, so you’re welcome to make an appointment by calling 1800 676 428 or email [email protected]

As work progresses, we’ll be sharing more project updates with you. We’re also in the process of updating our website and will let you know when it goes live. If you have any feedback or questions about employment, joining the Consultative Committee or about construction, please contact us on 1800 676 428 or email [email protected]

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