Join the Community Consultative Committee

Join the Delburn Wind Farm Consultative Committee & share a local perspective

The Delburn Wind Farm is launching a new Community Consultative Committee next month and you’re invited to participate.

People aged 16 and above who live around the Delburn Wind Farm site are invited to get involved by nominating to join the Community Consultative Committee in a voluntary capacity.

Participants will be the first to hear of construction plans, with work due to commence in 2024.

Each meeting will provide a platform for open discussion and valuable community input, helping to drive community updates and information sharing.

OSMI Australia Communications and Engagement Manager, Anne Forbes said the Delburn Wind Farm Consultative Committee will help the project team be informed about the community’s areas of interest and respond to community queries and concerns.

“I hope people who live around the wind farm will take this opportunity to find out what’s involved with the delivery of the wind farm, ask questions, share their local perspective and provide feedback,” Ms Forbes said.

“We are keen to have a diverse group of participants with a range of views representing communities surrounding the wind farm. We strongly encourage anyone with an interest in the wind farm construction, including those who remain concerned about it, to nominate and share their voice.”

Participants will be able to act as a conduit between the community and the project team, updating neighbours and friends on work plans and provide direct advice back to the project team on community needs.

Committee meetings will be held in the Delburn Wind Farm office in Mirboo North.

Reasonable reimbursement for travel will be provided to participants via vouchers.

If you have any questions or would like to nominate to join the Community Consultative Committee, please email [email protected], call 1800 676 428 or visit the Delburn Wind Farm office at 66 Ridgway, Mirboo North.

To get the latest project updates on the Delburn Wind Farm visit

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