Delburn Wind Farm Update

Attributable to Peter Marriott, Executive Director Development, OSMI Australia:

“Regional Roads Victoria are installing the overtaking lane along Strzelecki Highway and Creamery Road. These works are not part of the Delburn Wind Farm construction.

“The Victorian Government allocated budget several years ago for the works to improve traffic flow and safety.

“The road upgrade has not been commissioned by the Delburn Wind Farm and is of no benefit to the project. The majority of wind turbine components will go to the north of the site, with no need to use the new overtaking lane.

“As part of a preliminary traffic assessment, a planning application was submitted to upgrade the corner of Creamery Road, however VicRoads already had plans to do this work.

‘’The development and design of the Delburn Wind Farm has focussed on reducing the impacts to local flora and fauna and minimising the clearing of vegetation.”

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

“Regional Roads Victoria are installing the overtaking lane along Strzelecki Highway and Creamery Road. These works are not part of the Delburn Wind Farm construction.

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

Terminal Station Amendment Approved A request to amend the Delburn Wind Farm Terminal Station planning permit has been approved by the Minister for Planning.  This

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