Community Development Grants Awarded

The Delburn Wind Farm has awarded $15,000 in community grants to support non-profit groups across the community.

The grants recognise key local groups who deliver important projects to communities surrounding the proposed Delburn Wind Farm.

Mr Peter Marriott, Executive Director Development at OSMI Australia said:

“Congratulations to the eight community groups who have been successful in receiving a development grant from the Delburn Wind Farm.

The community grants have been awarded to a diverse range of groups including:

The Boolarra Men’s Shed in recognition of the health and well-being support provided to local men and the wider community. The funding grant will assist the Men’s Shed volunteers to purchase new metal workshop equipment.

The Latrobe Chorale volunteer group will conduct four musical workshops with skilled vocal coaches, to be held at various venues across the Latrobe Valley. Community members are encouraged to participate in the Chorale, helping to build confidence. High quality classical music performances will then be delivered to local audiences.

The Boolarra Equestrian Club will construct a horse wash bay to improve drainage and access to the Boolarra Recreation Reserve. The improvement works will provide safety benefits for the three user groups, equestrian members, and the public.

The Thorpdale Potato Festival Committee will receive funding towards event amenity and first aid safety at the festival. The event showcases the history of the area and provides a platform for locals and visitors to connect and celebrate. The Thorpdale Potato Festival raises funds to distribute among not-for-profit community organisations in the local area.

The Thorpdale Playgroup will receive funding support to purchase chairs for parents and breastfeeding mothers to use during playgroup meetings. Several tables and chair sets will also be purchased for the children to utilise. The Playgroup is important in providing peer support and helping to prevent isolation in young local families.

Boolarra based D&M Art Projects will deliver creative and environmental workshops during the school holiday period. Many local families do not have resources to go on holidays and the workshops provide enriching and creative experiences for both children and adults. The workshops support creative expression and assist in boosting mental health and well-being.

BooFIIT is a fitness and well-being group run by volunteers to provide affordable access to fitness classes in Mirboo North. Funding support will go towards the membership subsidy program for Mirboo North residents who are not in a financial position to pay a full membership to participate in BooFIIT classes.

The Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group is a volunteer group who are dedicated to encouraging the acceptance and understanding of the principles of sustainability. They will receive funding assistance to support their community engagement and education activities, to promote adoption of renewable energy and action on climate change.

Mr Marriott acknowledged there were many applications received from a diverse range of community groups.

“We received many requests for funding assistance during this round of community grants. We are pleased to be able to support these eight groups in delivering great outcomes for their community. It is through these important initiatives that community connections are created.

“Since 2020, the Delburn Wind Farm has awarded over $30,000 in funding grants to assist local groups to deliver vital community projects.

“We will continue to work with the near neighbours and local groups surrounding the Delburn Wind Farm to bring direct value back into our local communities,” Mr Marriott said.

Community Benefits Fund to grow when construction starts

Pending the outcome of the Supreme Court hearing in February 2023, construction of the Delburn Wind Farm is planned for the second half of 2023. Once construction is underway, the Delburn Wind Farm Community Development Fund will increase to around $150,000 per year ($750 per megawatt installed), which will allow the community to bring bigger ideas to life.

The decision making on these grants will be made in collaboration with a new Community Benefits Committee, to be established after February 2023 to oversee the investment in community projects around the wind farm.

Anyone interesting in being part of this committee should email [email protected] or call 1800 676 428.

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Delburn Wind Farm Update

Ten local groups will share in $15,000 of Pre-Development Grants to assist community-led projects. The funding is a welcome boost for local projects.

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